Artist’s Statement

Skool: a Comic

Skool began as a personal project, started in college to remind myself of lessons learned outside the classroom. Now, like a graduate program, it is what employs my time in replacement of having a full-time job or a savings account. I draw it by hand, with a pen that I dip in ink.

All of the stories are culled from actual experience (quoted as faithfully as a panel’s small space will allow), my dream world, and my fantasy life. Invaluable to this are my excellent friends and family, the crowds of people with whom I regularly interact, strangers, children, and the creative personalities who drive my experiences. Also the unearthly beauty of the Vermont Republic and the soundtrack constantly rolling through my headphones, my speakers, and my memory.

I currently live in the last cheap shithole apartment in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. I may be contacted for illustration work and would be happy to provide those interested with printed versions of my art. More information about me is available by reading my comics, viewing my blog, and/or sending me an e-mail.

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