Artist Statement
LJ Lindhurst was born in Antonia, Missouri. Her work is medium- to large-scale realistic paintings of imagery from our daily lives and mass culture that communicate a sense of isolation, alienation, comedy, threat, and modern decay.
A large portion of Lindhurst’s work is based on the philosophy that Photorealism painting should be approached without style or embellishment, and adhere with devotion to reproducing the photographed image as accurately as possible in paint. Form, composition, and style occur naturally, and are illuminated as a result of this neutral approach.
Thematically, the subjects of her paintings are varied, but tend to focus on the often overlooked detritus of our popular culture. By closely examining otherwise ordinary images from our daily life–such as toys, small candies, advertising, packaging, and television– an underlying sense of uneasy comedy is revealed.
A very talented young woman who has a great sense of the absurd!