The Solo Exhibition of Harim Song “Fearfully and Wonderfully”
June 1- June 6, 2011
Opening Reception: Saturday, June 4, 6:00-9:00pm
Brooklyn Artist Gym Gallery, 168 7th St., Brooklyn NY 11215. (718)858-9069

Brooklyn Artist Gym Gallery presents a solo exhibition by the emerging artist HARIM SONG. This exhibition features interactive installations comprised of three articles of furniture – a bed, a vanity and a refrigerator. Each article of furniture triggers a video upon approach. The importance of the items centers on three daily human characteristics: sleeping, eating and vanity. However, the real focus of the project is the point at which these daily characteristics becomes obsessive. Through the interactive pieces, Song invites the viewer to explore the boundary between normal human habit and compulsive behavior, normal thought patterns and borderline obsession.

After a successful thesis project, Song was chosen to receive an Outstanding Merit award upon earning her MFA in Digital Arts from Pratt Institute. Prior to that, she received her BFA in Film/Animation/Video from Rhode Island School of Design. Song’s work was also chosen by the Korean Cultural Service New York for an upcoming three-person exhibition at Gallery Korea, to promote Korean values and aesthetics in the city. She has participated in several other group shows throughout the New York City area. This is her debut solo exhibition. Song currently lives and works in Brooklyn, New York. — (718) 858-9069