Sunday, June 3, 2012, 3:00-4:30 PM
Unfolding the Patterns
A Panel Discussion
Moderated by Ombretta Agró Andruff
With artists Kysa Johnson, Jane Philbrick, Vargas-Suarez Universal
Seating is limited
RSVP Stacy: or call 718.937.6317
From left: Blowup 31 Subatomic Decay Patterns (detail) by Kysa Johnson, Floating Sculpture ’09 by Jane Philbrick, Jettison Re-entry II by Vargas-Suarez Universal
Magnetic floating sculptures + subatomic decay patterns + International Space Station architecture = (UN)FOLDING PATTERNS
The three artists participating in the panel discussion will take us on an exciting journey connecting visual arts and mathematics, while leading us through the exploration and understanding of the role played by mathematical formulas, geometrical systems and the laws of physics in their art practice. Inspired by sources as disparate as a 1961 sculpture, the geometries of the architecture of space stations and the fundamental mark-making of the universe Vargas-Suarez Universal, Jane Philbrick and Kysa Johnson will discuss the projects presented in the exhibition and contextualize those works in relationship to their entire oeuvre.