FRESCO & Elastos join forces to create FRESCO Art Award, the world’s first blockchain art award. We’re calling for artists worldwide create a work of art on the theme of “blockchain.” Artists have absolute freedom in choosing their medium.

Award: 500 ELA and 1,000,000 FRES offered to the winning artists (Top 5, or the FRESCO 5), the equivalent value making it one of the largest art award ever.

Winning artists will be selected from overall public support (Likes, comments, retweets) from social media platforms including Medium, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram along with the final community voting. We stay true to the decentralized nature, letting people select the which artists deserve the award.

Award Open Selection Phase: 05/22/2018 11 PM UTC — 08/22/2018 11 PM UTC

For further details, please see FRESCO’s Medium channel:

about FRESCO

FRESCO is the world’s first blockchain art digital asset network.
Through blockchain technology and Elastos’ operating system, FRESCO enables liquidation, promotion, and provenance of artworks at a global scale.
FRESCO mainly consists of FRES artwork trust value (FRES Trust) and FRES artwork blockchain digital copyright (FRES Edition). FRES Trust is a blockchain-based art value measurement system. FRES Edition is the limited digital assets copyright issued by artwork holders on FRESCO platform.
FRESCO is launching the world’s first ICD (Initial Coin Distribution), distributing 300 million FRESCO tokens to the global community free of charge. Through this process, FRESCO will enable nearly 150,000 people to learn and understand the art world.
Through FRES Trust and FRES Edition, FRESCO manages to expand the art investment population to the whole world and therefore pushes the art market to an unprecedented level.