Square and the Specialty Coffee Association invite you to celebrate National Coffee Day with an exhibit dedicated to all things coffee. Learn, explore, and taste your way through the space.

The exhibit will be open to the public 11 AM to 7 PM on Friday, September 28 and Saturday, September 29, unless closed for RSVP-only special workshops. For more details and to RSVP, visit: www.squarenationalcoffeeday.splashthat.com.


Coffee Merchant Education Roundtable:
Geared towards small business owners or aspiring entrepreneurs, join us for an educational roundtable discussion focused on how to use research and data to benefit your business. Hosted by Peter Giuliano, Chief Research Officer at the Specialty Coffee Association, Sara Vera, Data Analyst at Square, Sam Penix, Owner of Everyman Espresso, and Toby’s Estate Coffee.

Latte Art Workshop:
Learn the impressive skill of Latte Art. Perfect for all coffee lovers, this course focuses on the aspects of milk preparation. Spend 30 minutes with a Toby’s Educator covering milk science, milk texturing and free pour latte art. Students will have the opportunity to learn how to craft hearts, tulips and rosettas.

Home Brew Methods:
Master the art of coffee brewing. You’ll spend 30 minutes with a Toby’s Educator to learn how to achieve cafe-quality coffee at home. Students will learn the elements behind brewing the perfect cup, followed by hands-on practice with the brewing methods and coffees of your choice. Students will learn how to master their preferred method and gain a greater understanding of their preferred flavor profile for coffee at home.