Fluke is seeking photography that embraces the unlikely, advantageous and chance occurrence. We want photographers to send in a portfolio of work, that encompass and respond to chance encounters and occurrences. Work entered to this project will be featured in issue four and across our website and social media.

Digital photography is a precise constantly improving tool, the image about to be captured is known whilst it’s being taken, analogue methods offered a much rawer, more unpredictable process resulting in often unexpected outcomes. We are after work that applies an unpredictable approach, whether it’s digital or analogue were looking for shots taken in the effort for exploration and experimentation, or just capturing a moment of coincident.

Images submitted must be at least 300 DPI
Non-refundable admission fee of £6
Deadlines for entry is the 20th January 2019
There are no other entry requirements, this competition is open to all.

Winning photographers will receive feedback and exposure both online and in issue four. The portfolios sent in will be reviewed, three winning photographers will be featured in issue four, an additional 10 photographers will also have their work featured in issue four. All work entered to this project will be featured in an online portfolio on our website after the launch of issue four.

For more information and to enter head to our website https://www.murze.org/fluke