We are pleased to announce American artist Kathy Ruttenberg’s first exhibition Private Myths / Public Dreams at Francis M. Naumann Fine Art in New York City. Known for a singular and fantastical mix of human, nature, and plant forms in her work, Ruttenberg’s extraordinary imagination has enabled her to turn her dreams into her reality. Her imagery—both figurative and biographical—is primarily concerned with the tensions of the natural world and human relationships, expressing a distinctly feminine perspective. Thematically, the natural world and our relationship to it underpin the artist’s work and feature broadly in her narratives, in which species merge and figures serve as mythic landscapes.

Personal and self-reflective, the artist’s latest works in this exhibition offer a new insight into Ruttenberg’s world of fantasy and, as the title of the show suggests, they are thoughts and visions made manifest and brought into a public space with powerful flights of fancy.