We are offering INTERNATIONAL WOMXN ARTISTS to come and be a part of the Arts To Hearts Podcast by sharing their artistic journeys, experiences and indulge in heartfelt and candid conversations like never before! We hope to bring artist from all communities and cultures to blur the boundaries in the arts! From running a creative business & studio practice to success mindset, we talk about everything that goes behind into making a life & career that you adore as an artist. Share the messy and the wonderful side of creating and living a heartfelt creative life, within and outside our studios. Be ready to inspire and encourage your fellow artists through your story!

Arts to Hearts Project is dedicated to building a community by creating a safe & inclusive space, provide support, opportunities & resources to artists. Our mission is to help women artists navigate their career & life as a creative.

We welcome women artists from all countries and nationality to apply with works in any medium including painting, sculptures, printmaking, and more. Artists who are willing to engage in candid and transparent conversations. We want to bring women artists who are ready to share their journey, their learnings, talk about their brightest moments and vulnerable sides to be a part of this project.

• Artists will be required to get on a one-on-one call with the host to record the interview
• The interview will be schedule in advance and the artists will be given slots to choose from
• Artists must send in their Artist Bio, Artist Statement, Links to social media handles and other plug in projects.


Entry Deadline: April 16th, 2021, 11:59 pm EST.
All artists will be notified of the decision by April 30th, 2021. If your application is selected, you will receive further information at that time.

Apply here: https://artstoheartsproject.com/artist-opportunities/