In an attempt to develop a style of her own, Frida’s artwork evokes emotions drawn from experiences in the journey of her life, reflected in colors and abstract shapes. About “Faces and Memories,” Frida said:

Sometimes the journey is tough. So much so that as a result of the pandemic, I learned the hard way that people aren´t forever, but art is. Unfortunately, I’ve lost loved ones, I’ve even lost myself. Life, despite everything, is astounding and unexpected, and we must accept it as such. In these difficult events, painting was the only way I could cope with these tragic circumstances, and it has been quite an experience. So in this collection, I´m taking the human form by a different approach. What does it mean? The rest is up to you.

Born and raised in Chihuahua, Mexico, Frida is an artist and architect. In her works, she experiments with a wide range of different techniques, especially oil on canvas. Her paintings can be described as abstract and colorful compositions. Frida’s work can be found on her website and on Instagram @fridavav

Blank Slate is located at 283 47th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11220.

How to Attend

Please contact Jennifer Spencer at to make an appointment. To secure tickets, visit