Magenta Plains presents “Leaky Abstraction,” a new series of oil on linen paintings by NYC painter Joshua Abelow, on view through July 3, 2021.
For his new series of paintings, Abelow draw parallels between meaning and making with managing and processing information. The exhibition title refers to the software engineer’s terminology in which information that leaks from our computers or smartphones is no longer useful. In the context of Abelow’s new paintings, the abstract paintings appear to be leaking, melting or glitching as if infected by a computer virus. Abelow is acutely aware of his work’s relationship to technology as the steward of his artistic documentation into the future—his paintings living on as jpeg consumables.
Appointments are encouraged, but not required. Make an appointment with the gallery via SeeSaw Map or visit:
94 Allen Street,
New York, NY 10002
Tuesday – Saturday: 11am – 6pm