Photographer David Zheng presents his solo exhibition and the release of his new artist book, Where Did All the Flowers Go?, in a pop-up gallery in Chinatown, NY. The exhibition opens June 10 and continues until June 13, 2021, on 55 Chrystie Street, NY. The show will feature photographs taken in New York’s Chinatown during the initial three-month COVID-19 lockdown period. Additionally, the space will house portraits of the neighborhood’s residents, as a compilation of stories plays through audio in an enclosed room; all of which were captured during a series of community engagements hosted by the artist in the 4 weeks leading up to the show’s opening. The exhibition will be open to the public.
In Where Did All the Flowers Go?, Zheng turns his gaze towards a neighborhood at its brink. A once vibrant and resilient immigrant community comes to an abrupt halt. Empty storefronts line the streets. Graffiti and ripped posters on decaying walls signals a cry for help. Even when photographs depict a withering neighborhood during a pandemic, questions of survival as an immigrant in America come to light. What happens next, will we be taken care of? How far did we really come, or is this the end? Challenging the ethos of the “American dream”.
David Zheng was born in 1985 in the Lower East Side of New York City. With no former experience in the field, David is a largely self-taught photographer who furthered his education by attending the International Center of Photography and working as an assistant to Italian photographer Renato D’Agostin.
For more information please contact David Zheng at