Art Mums United, a global platform highlighting and supporting artist mothers and their practices, is thrilled to announce the call for artists for a new annual publication Artist, Mother, Proud & Serious!

We are looking for women-identifying caregivers who are visual or performing artists, regardless of age, education, career stage, sexual orientation, or race.

Volume 1 will be released in November 2023. Selected artists will be included in the digital and print versions of the publication. ALL ARTISTS who submit their work will receive a complimentary digital version of the publication. Print copies will be available for purchase through Amazon worldwide.

* Artist bio (max 300 words)
* Artist statement (max 300 words)
* A brief summary of experiences as artist mothers
* Up to 3 images of art (visual artists) / Link to performance/music track

The submission includes a non-refundable submission fee that goes towards supporting women artists through our platform, providing opportunities, and will cover expenses related to bringing this publication to life (editing, software, graphic design).
18 February 2023