i am u are – Ukrainian creators fair

March, 24-26

198 Broome Street, 10002, New York City

A three-day showcase of the most outstanding Ukrainian practices in fashion, tech and culture united under one roof. The event itself will be held in the format of fair and art exhibition intersection with an opportunity to purchase one of a kind items from both unique artisans and household names from the Ukrainian creative industry. Our participants are over a 100 businesses who brought their creations overseas and manufactured the majority of them in the circumstances of a total black out back in Ukraine. The visual arts scene will be represented by a photo exhibition prepared by Masha Reva who previously created visuals for Harry Styles’ ‘As It Was’ music video.

A pop-up exhibition at the Ukrainian Museum in NYC, which became the second venue of the event, will feature a selection of items by jewellery, clothing and object designers who blend the language of tradition and contemporaneity.