Afflatus Apparatus (A2) is a language, art, and cultural journal published online and in print. A2 is a space for creatives to present work inspired from an infinite spectrum. Our publication celebrates the avant-garde in addition to established forms. A2 appreciates both complex and simple works, specifically interested in emotionally intelligent and engaging projects that have been constructed with great care. Beyond the presentation of any creative composition, we are equally interested in exploring the relationship between the genesis of an idea and the completed piece.

A2 is currently accepting submissions for publication online and submissions for publication in the inaugural print issue. We welcome short stories, flash fiction, graphic novels, nonfiction, poetry, plays/theater, satire, essays, reviews, op-eds, trend reports, painting, drawing, digital art, AI collaborations, photography, sculpture, modeling, enamel work, mosaics, music, dance and everything in between and/or beyond. We welcome the evocation of the emotional spectrum, and publication preference is provided where preference is needed.