The group show, Revisions, highlights four artists working with collage. Revisions shows a variety of approaches to collage that references
October 20 – December 1, 2012 Opening reception: Saturday October 20, 6-9 pm Gallery hours Friday-Sunday 1-6 pm Theodore:Art presents
Render Visible Organized by Blonde Art Books in collaboration with Matthew Walker Present Company, Brooklyn, NY 29 Wythe Avenue (entrance:
Behind our eyes lies an introverted world known only to ourselves. While our outward expressions converse with those around us,
et al Projects presents Numb Nothing Close, a solo exhibition of new paintings by Brian Kokoska. Kokoska’s recent works investigate
Williamsburg International Film Festival September 20-23 Inspired by childhood street fairs and festivals, WILLiFEST distinguishes itself as a multifaceted event
The Invisible Dog Art Center 4th Season Opens Saturday September 15th from 6pm to 10pm SHABOYGEN by Steven and William
‘To Be Kept (the book)’ by Lauren Simkin Berke A monograph of paintings, collages and photographs by Lauren Simkin Berke,
To loop, in its most distilled expression, is to enfold or encircle. In cultural production, the act of looping is