AloneTogether is a musical journey that explores the impact on today’s young people in this time of global turmoil and transformation. Expressed through newly commissioned pieces by 15 composers and emerging songwriters and poetry written and recorded by the choristers, AloneTogether embarks on an innovative, experimental journey to understand the experiences of children through the course of the pandemic.
The exhibition comprises spoken word, poetry, sculpture, video art, music, and film and features 500 YPC choristers, 15 composers and songwriters, seven poets, three choreographers, and two filmmakers. Ansley Sawyer brings the choristers’ stories to life through film, set to newly commissioned works by composers Samuel Adler, Derek Bermel, Thomas Cabaniss, Paquito D’Rivera, Aneesa Folds, Gordon Getty, Michael Gordon, Michael Harrison, Ted Hearne, Yuka C. Honda, David Lang, Elizabeth Núñez, Francisco J. Núñez, Jim Papoulis, and Paola Prestini. Additional films by Francisco J. Núñez round out the exhibition. The installation is the culmination of YPC’s newest commissioning initiative.
High Line 9 (Chelsea)
507 W 27th St
New York, NY 10001
When: Saturday, November 20 through Sunday, December 19 (Wednesdays through Sunday from 11am – 6pm)
Cost: Free Admission