We invite you to submit your work to the 20th DongGang International Photo Festival, to be held this year from July 22nd to October 9th, 2022 in Yeongwol, Korea.
This year’s theme;
Eureka – An Emerging Revelation
Our dreams are always incomplete. It is a key that opens doors to a new future. a myriad of outside signals could even be perceived as revelations. Signaling infinite possibilities, and that will lead to various non-verbal experiences and fill the void of our lives with the memories and emotions they carry with them. Our dreams help us grasp the time, then a violent intellectual outburst surges from our uncontrolled psyches. It is a Eureka moment, a moment of fresh insights and new connections. A longing for a new connection will take us to a puzzle of unknown interconnectivity. This state of enlightenment and the feeling of joy can be reproduced indefinitely and may very well trigger someone else’s Eureka moment.
Individuals and collectives are welcome to apply;
individuals should submit between 8 – 12 photographs from a particular series or body of work.
Selected 20 artists including ‘Artist of the year’ (individual artist or 1 team of winner) will benefit from:
A-year-long exhibition that exposures at the DIPF Festival – inclusion in art magazine, any related press (long term festival representation and promotion on official website, publications, catalog that being seen by a substantial number of visual arts professionals and the media) where the works viewed by an international panel of influential experts in the field of photography
* ‘Artist of the year’ – solo exhibition at DIPF (production – printing, framing or related presentation material will be
provided) and eligible for travel and accommodation to attend the opening.
Objectives DongGang International Photo Festival aims to feature a quality selection of photography projects from around the world. DIPF’s open call is devoted to offering a platform and supporting photography, showcasing photography and related media from emerging and established artists.
The selected photographs will be presented to DongGang International Photo Festival in DongGang in main exhibition space, outdoor space and screening at the opening ceremony.
The Main Program of 20th DongGang International Photo Festival will be held from July 22th to October 9th, 2022
Submission to DongGang International Photo Festival 2022 is open to artist from around the world.
Entry Deadline_
Submissions must be made before May 20th, 2022, 23.59 hrs. There is no entry fee for submissions.
: Submissions must Include below
Photography works : 8 – 12 images, 4000 pixel jpeg file or tiff file
Name (full name)
Mobile/Phone Number
Email Address
Postal Address
A concise one-page CV or a short biography
Artist’s Statement (a short write up about the body of work)
: How to Enter
Email : opencall@dgphotofestival.com or www.wetransfer.com
Any incomplete submissions will be rejected.
* Receipt Confirmation_Upon receipt, an email confirmation will be sent to the email specified in the submission.
Selection_All submissions will be reviewed and evaluated by the curatorial team of the Festival.
Status Notification_All selected artists will be notified by email of their submission status by 25th, May 2022
Exhibition_20th DongGang International Photo Festival will collect the digital files from selected artists and the production will be provided for the exhibitions.
Publicity_The selected projects will be presented on the Festival’s website and be part of the Festival’s promotional campaign in print and online media, increase awareness of the selected works in the photography community.
* Schedule is subject to change with prior notice.